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Pastor Discount

It is Cole Valley Christian Schools' desire to improve the accessibility of a Christ-centered education for pastors' families by providing a tuition discount for pastors’ children.  Eligibility is based on several conditions. 

  • Required for all eligible pastors.  The pastor must:
    • work for a church or ministry whose doctrinal beliefs align with the doctrinal beliefs of CVCS.
    • must be designated as ‘clergy’ by the IRS.
    • be full time
  • Must meet one or both of the following requirements:
    • At least half of their household income must come from their pastoral work.
    • Receives their pay from a church who has at least 5 students who attend CVCS and:
      • Are not dependents of this, or other pastors in their church. 
      • Designate the pastor’s church as their home church in our database (RenWeb).
  • The Cole Valley Christian School board reserves the right to limit the number of discounts granted to any one church.
  • Eligible Pastors will receive a 25% tuition discount for their family.  All other fees apply.
In addition to the pastor discount, pastors are also eligible to apply for general tuition aid: 
  • General tuition aid awards are given based on comparative family financials and require applying through the full tuition aid application process.
  • 50% tuition aid is typically the max given, therefore, if a 50% tuition discount is awarded, it is an exception granted by the tuition aid committee to award tuition aid in addition to the discount.

To apply for the CVCS Pastor Discount, Pastors must submit a simple request form, signed by their board that verifies their eligibility.

The Pastor Discount application is valid for one school year.  Pastors must submit an application form each year to receive the discount in subsequent years.

Please complete the following information.  Thank you!
Pastor Discount Form

  • (Total household income is defined by the Adjusted Gross Income on your most recent Federal 1040 tax return(s). Therefore, housing allowances are not included. Spouse's income and income from all other sources should be included. If your spouse files separately, please include that income.)

  • (The income earned from the church where you are a pastor. This should be taxable income, and, therefore, does not include a housing allowance.)

  • Please review the following and check the box. Once you click "Submit", you will be directed back to the Cole Valley Christian Schools website.

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