Arts Programs
Instrumental Music:
Band/String Ensemble
The band classes encompass all aspects of the Cole Valley Christian Schools instrumental program. Believing that we are to serve Jesus the band and string ensemble follow the concepts of Luke 11:33 to be the light of Jesus out in the community. To praise God with dancing and the making of music. Each student will participate in regular full-band rehearsals as well as individual solo or small group settings. Instruction will be available to students on all band instruments (flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, baritone, tuba, percussion etc.) and string instruments (violin, viola, cello, bass) regardless of experience. Students who play the piano, bass guitar, or guitar are encouraged to participate.
- Secondary Band/Orchestra - performs in formal seasonal performances along with performances at District III and IMEA music festivals, selected sporting events, marching band competitions, parades, and performances as deemed appropriate as per the Director and/or Cole Valley Christian Schools.
- Elementary Band/String Ensemble - there are three formal performances; Christmas production, Grandparents Day, and the band Spring Concert.
For further information please contact Marty Worthington, Middle &High School Instrumental Music Teacher.
CVCS Performing Arts (Choir and Theatre)
The performing Arts departments at CVCS are passionate about expressing God's creative nature and sharing their artistic gifts with His people. Director Wes Simmonds feels called in his mission to "engage the Choral and Theatre Arts to express the glory of The Creator". He strives to inspire his students with the truth that whatever they do is an act of worship, and to do it with all their hearts.
At the High School level, students ranging from 9th grade to 12th are encouraged to reach a higher musical potential in preparation for college-level music and beyond. Students will have the opportunity to perform in our annual Veterans Day, Christmas, Solo/Small Ensemble, and Spring Sacred Music concerts. In addition, the choir has often been invited to perform special concerts for varying organizations in the community. Choir is chiefly a performance-based class, yet students are exposed to the disciplines of music theory, sight reading, and aural comprehension.
The Middle School Choir program is a one semester course that focuses on instilling the basics of how to read music and apply that skill to performance while developing students’ musicianship as they prepare for High School. Throughout the semester, students will have opportunities to perform in two concerts with the High School Choir, and possible community events.
At the High School level, in the fall semester, students can be involved in a performance-based class that focuses on presenting a drama production that can range anywhere from literary classics like Shakespeare, Wilde, Shaw, etc. to contemporary comedies, mysteries, or even retellings of beloved fairy tales. The students work together as a class to accomplish all the essential elements of performing a drama production. All students enrolled in the class will perform to some capacity on stage.
The spring semester Stage craft class will provide learning opportunities for students with more interest in the workings off stage, such as stage management, set design and creation, costuming, lighting, and sound. This class is directly linked to our spring semester musical. The musical is an after-school, extra-curricular, audition-based program.
The Middle School Theatre elective focuses on giving students a broad understanding of the basics of theatre and providing activities that sharpen their acting skills. The class will spend time working on improv, memorization, blocking, and an assortment of other theatre elements.
Elementary Music/Theatre
Our elementary music classes incorporate a hands-on learning approach that combines music, movement, drama, and speech into lessons that are similar to a child's world of play. Our program includes an annual Christmas program and a spring play for fifth grade students.
It's hard to say goodbye to the Cole Valley theater department. It has enriched my life so much over the years. I started out in preproduction but never acted because of the short leash I kept myself on. With some convincing by some of the actors and an attempt to push through my own anxieties, I got the part of Officer O'Hara in Arsenic and Old Lace and I never looked back. It feels like far more than a year that I've been with these wonderful people. I would be a much different person had I not joined the program and I am infinitely thankful for all of their love and support. As for now, to the world, I am set free, yet always drawing near. ~ Devon Harris, Class of 2017