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Travel Opportunities at CVCS

At CVCS, we want to give students opportunities to get out of the classroom to connect with each other and experience other places. There is something special that happens when you get them out of their comfort zone and allow them to expand their view of the state, country, and world.
Students from grades 6-12 have the opportunity to go on class retreats out of town. 9th grade students have the opportunity to travel to Washington, DC in the spring semester to see so many of the places they have learned about in the classroom in American History. In addition, Seniors will have the opportunity to explore London for a week.
Students from grades K-5 have the opportunity to go on many field trips.

There are also opportunities for high school students to travel on mission trips in different countries. It is amazing to watch our students step out and serve others with the goal of being the hands and feet of Jesus in the countries they travel to. It also provides them an opportunity to see true everyday needs in less affluent places, all while experiencing what joy is on the most basic level.

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