Visual Arts Show
SHOW GUIDELINES: Please read these guidelines carefully and adhere to the competition requirements in each category and below.
- Entry Limit: No more than five entries will be accepted per student.
- Artwork may be completed at school or at home with the understanding that it is the student’s original artwork created within the past 12 months.
- Students 6th - 12th Grades from CVCS are welcome to submit their art.
- Art will be judged by professional artists and students will receive comments to grow as an artist.
- Award categories include School Choice Award, School Choice Award Runner-Up, Most Realistic Artwork, The Imagination Award, and Popular Vote for both Middle School and High School separately.
- Each student’s entry/s will be submitted with the registration form and delivered to the High School campus office, mounted and labeled as specified below by March 26th (day after Spring Break).
Art Show ONLINE Registration Form
Please mount artwork according to guidelines, but DO NOT frame any submissions
- If you have any questions, please contact: Brittany Levine 303-681-6400
Artwork Submission Instructions
For ALL entries:
- Do NOT sign or put your name on the front of your artwork/piece.
- Do NOT frame any of the artwork submissions, but follow the instructions below.
- Please label each piece on the back or bottom of the piece in the format below using the exact information you submitted in your online registration form, so we can correctly identify each piece. Below is an example of how to label your submission:
Susie Smith (name)
208-845-2398 (phone #)
6th Grade (grade)
Photography (Category)
“Winter Wonderland” (Title of your piece)
Artist Statement
WET Medium, DRY Medium, MIXED Media Mounting:
Mount on foam board so art piece has no more than 1 in. foam board showing surrounding the art piece. Foam core is not to exceed ¼” in thickness. Hobby Lobby will dry mount your art to foam core. 8x10 is $6, 11x14 is $8 and 16x20 is $11.
Mount on foam board so photograph is flush with foam core. Photographs & Graphic Art can be mounted in a horizontal or vertical position. Foam core is not to exceed ¼” in thickness. Hobby Lobby will dry mount your photograph to foam core. 8x10 is $6, 11x14 is $8 and 16x20 is $11.
Top view of photo flush with foam core. No border on Photographs and Graphic Art!
SCULPTURES turned in as is- No base or mounting require