Hours: 7:30am - 6:00pm
Contact Information
Direct Number for Summer Enrichment classroom (208) 506-3818
Director: Kim Sangster
Contact number: (208)-477-7439
Accepted Ages
Summer Enrichment Program accepts students entering 1st grade through 5th grade and Early Childhood students CURRENTLY enrolled in the 2023-2024 school year.
Late Fees
Charger Adventures will be implementing a late charge policy. A late fee will incur for those students not picked up by 6:00 p.m. The fee is $5.00 for every 10 minutes after 6:00 p.m. along with the normal rate. This will be added to your monthly invoice.
A.M. and P.m. Snacks/Lunch/Water Bottle/Cinch Bag
We request no nuts or peanut butter in snacks or lunches; however we are not a nut free program.
Please send along morning and afternoon snacks in your student’s lunch.
Students get really hungry so please send a lot of healthy food like, protein bars, cheese sticks, fruits and vegetables.
We will be accepting warm-ups that take no longer than 3 minutes to warm up.
Please bring a water bottle each day with the student's name on it.
Cinch Bag – Bring a cinch bag not a backpack because of space.
Students need to bring a book each day with their name in it. We can also store their book in our book box.
Important Notices/Communication
You will receive an activity calendar each month that will inform you of special activities, field trips, classes, etc. for the month. The Charger Adventures newsletter will be emailed each week. This will have a wrap up from the current week and let you know what is coming up the following week, so you can be prepared for each event. This is our main communication, so it is important you read both each week!
Electronics/Items from home
We will allow electronic game systems and iPods, with age-appropriate material. We will be monitoring the use of these electronics and will not allow them to be shared. All electronics must be given to a teacher to be stored in the electronic box. This is to allow proper supervision and appropriate material entering our summer care program. We do not allow any games with private or instant messaging features such as Minecraft, etc. We also do not allow any apps like Snapchat, Instagram, Kik, Ask.fm, or Facebook etc. If we feel it is inappropriate, we will terminate the use of them in our program. Thank you for your understanding and partnering with us in this area.
Toys from home
Students can bring toys or items from home to share with the rest of the students, with the understanding we are not responsible for loss or damage.
Early Childhood Students Full Day for Rest Time
Students will need to bring the appropriate bedding. We prefer a style of bedding the students can manipulate themselves. Below is the link to the style of bedding that we encourage, which is a one-piece roll-up sleeping mat with a blanket, and pillow attached.