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If you have any problems or questions with the files below, please contact Tabitha Epler, HR Manager at 208/947-1212 (Secondary Campus) or by email.  Thank you!

*see Teaching Position Requirements below

NOTE:  Background screenings are required before working or volunteering at Cole Valley Christian Schools.  Thank you.



Staff Professional

Substitute Teacher (Must be 21 years old)

Teacher *



Cole Valley Christian is seeking God’s wisdom in finding Christ-following men and women who love the Lord, His Word and revel in the opportunity to share His Truth in all they teach and do. We are looking for excellent teachers, talented and effective in their profession, who desire to serve Him as part of a unified Christian school faculty and staff. Their strong relationship with Christ is evidenced in all aspects of their life.

All candidates will be expected to implement our educational model.  Here is an overview:
  1. What do you KNOW ABOUT your student(s)?
    • A relationship with Jesus is the foundation of our model. Out of that, we desire to engage in meaningful relationships with our students. This enables us to know our students so we can better understand how they learn, making us better teachers for all of our students.
  2. What do you want them to KNOW AND BE ABLE TO DO?
    • Our curriculum has been developed for all core departments and electives with ELOs (essential learning outcomes) for classes.
    • We have an online learning management system called Teams through which all 7th-12th grade teachers maintain calendars, content and tools for their classes.
  3. How do you know if they KNOW IT?
    • Our classroom teachers strive to assess each student authentically, accurately and effectively with a simple goal – to promote student learning.
    • We have developed a grading and assessment policy around the goal of student learning.
  4. What will you do if they DON’T?             
    • We have implemented office hours after school during which all teachers are available in their classrooms for the first 30 minutes after school to help students.
    • We have a Student Academic Services department for the purpose of supporting our students with diagnosed learning disabilities.
  5. What will you do if they DO?
    • We strive to effectively differentiate in every class so that every student is challenged to their fullest potential.


  • Evidence of a teachable heart, a humble and gentle spirit, and an ability to “correct, rebuke, and encourage” in love.
  • Excellent communication and relational skills with students and adults.
  • A strong desire and demonstrated ability to work as a member of a team.
  • A demonstrated ability in the gift of classroom teaching which includes the following areas:
    • Seamless biblical worldview integration
    • Relating to elementary, junior high, and high school aged students while holding them accountable
    • Engagement strategies that take advantage of multiple classroom settings
    • Lesson and unit planning, organization and calendar management
    • Balanced and effective classroom management
    • Differentiated instruction to meet different learning styles
    • Integration of technology as a tool for student learning
  • Technical Competency:  Ability to navigate MS Windows based applications and online tools

See specific job postings for job data (hours, salary, benefits, starting dates) and application deadlines.


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